How to Make Users Download Your App

Once you have successfully launched your app and it is now available on App Store you face another challenge – how to make users download your app. Your app ranking and keywords ranking will certainly do the good job. Your app will be visible to your potential users, but that is far from enough to expect that they will download it at first sight.

There is a bunch of factors which influence users’ desire to download or not to simply skip your app. For instance, app icon, name, description, screenshots. Let’s examine this issue more thoroughly and find out what should push your users to make the download.

Make Users Install Your App

  • App Icon

Once your potential users have come across your app in the list of the suggested apps, the very first thing that catches their attention is your app icon. It should demonstrate a user that it is exactly what he or she is looking for. Besides, the app icon should tell the user the essential idea of the app and it will attract his or her attention.

That’s the first step towards pushing the user to click on an icon and to get more familiar with your app by reading a description and viewing screenshots. If the icon of your app is not catchy, it makes no difference how useful and efficient your app is, the user will skip it and try another one which seems to him more suitable.

  • App Name

There is one rule that you should always remember if you want your app to become a choice of many users. It should be simple, understandable and have a catchy name. The second thing that users do after they take look at app icon is reading the app name. The best name for an app should be functional. Your app name is like a very brief description of what you offer to users. A good app name explains the users the purpose of an app and tells whether it can satisfy the user’s demands. So, choosing the name for your app, you should take one which will be both attractive and informative to users.

  • Description

When users click on your app to read a description, they usually see only the first two or three lines of it, depending on the size of the phone screen. That’s why these first two-tree lines should be very informative and explain the app’s purpose and its advantages to users. If the first lines manage to attract the users’ attention they will scroll down and read the full description, but if it is boring or doesn’t contain any useful information, there is a high risk that the user will skip your app.

Die Orgasmushemmung oder der verzögerte Orgasmus ist recht selten, wobei die Hemmung des Höhepunktes beim Geschlechtsverkehr den größten Stellenwert einnimmt. Das bedeutet, dass beim Oralsex oder bei der Masturbation ein Orgasmus erreicht werden kann. Die Ursache für diese Störung ist nicht völlig geklärt. Es gibt psychologische Erklärungsansätze, wobei angenommene innere Konflikte zu unbewussten Abwehrreaktionen oder zu einer überschießenden Selbstkontrolle führen. Andere Erklärungsansätze gehen davon aus, dass z. B. Ängste vor Krankheiten oder Schwangerschaften dazu führen können. Wiederum andere Erklärungsmodelle gehen davon aus, dass einfach die Stimulation nicht ausreicht oder eigene sexuelle Wünsche oder aber Bedürfnisse nicht genug eingefordert werden.
  • Important Keywords

The most relevant keywords should always be in the title of your app. This way, there are more chances that the users will pay attention to your app since it shows exactly what they were searching for. That’s why your title should always contain keywords that users will type searching for an app.

  • Screenshots

When users want to know more about your app, besides the description they also want to have a look at the app itself. However, you can place only a few screenshots. So, you need to choose only the most attractive and the most representative screenshots which demonstrate how your app functions and what the users receive if they choose to download it.

Today, App Store allows uploading five screenshots at most. Don’t lose this chance and upload all five screenshots. Each screenshot increases the chances that your app will be favored by users.

  • Conclusion

Besides these tips, we recommend to see our other tips which will help you successfully deal with your app store optimization. Visit our website and find more useful things that will notably enhance your app promotion.

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